Compliments Suggestions Complaints

Ask a question or provide feedback

Use this form to provide compliments, suggestions or to lodge a complaint. For complaints, we will take every effort to respond as promptly as possible if you provide your contact details. If you have not heard from us within 3 business days, please call us in case there was an issue with the form. If you wish to review our Feedback – Complaints, Compliments and Suggestion Policy click here.

Who from? *
Delivery *
(How was the complaint / compliment given to you?)
(Phone # or email address)
Would you like to be contacted?
Would you like to be contacted?
Would the patient like to be contacted?
Would the referrer like to be contacted?
(Name of Radiologist that did the report if applicable and known)

Your details

First and last names
(including area code)
This should never appear but have left to not delete existing data


(Single line description of suggestion)

Maximum file size: 20.48MB

Add an attachment if required

Head Office

PO Box 1115
Lismore NSW 2480

Ph 1300 66 XRAY (1300 66 9729)


If you need to contact a branch directly by email, phone or fax, click on a branch listed below.

BMD, Branches, CT, Interventions, Mammo, MRI, NCR, OPG, X-Ray
Byron Bay
Branches, CT, Interventions, Locations, NCR, OPG, Ultrasound, X-Ray
Branches, CT, Locations, NCR, OPG, Ultrasound, X-Ray
Branches, CT, Goonellabah, Locations, NCR, Ultrasound, X-Ray
BMD, Branches, CT, CVI, DXA Body Composition, Interventions, Locations, Mammo, MRI, OPG, Screening, Ultrasound, X-Ray